【大学院生の皆様へ】【To all graduate students 】

Required Procedures for Application, Admission and graduation etc.

安全保障に関連する機微技術流出の防止強化として「みなし輸出管理」の明確化がなされ、関係法令が改正されました(令和4 年5 月1 日施行)。大学院生・研究生への機微技術の提供の一部が「外国為替及び外国貿易法(外為法)」の管理対象となることから、本学大学院への出願者全員に対して、『特定類型自己申告書』により特定類型の確認を行うとともに、入学手続き、修了(卒業)時に外為法を遵守する旨の『誓約書』の提出を求めております。

In order to strengthen the prevention of leakage of sensitive technology related to security, “deemed export control” was clarified and related laws and regulations were revised (effective May 1, 2022).As a result, part of the provision of sensitive technology to graduate students and non-degree Research student(kenkyusei) is now subject to control under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law (hereinafter called “FEFTA”), and all (prospective) students to our graduate school are required to submit a “Self-Declaration on Specific Categories” .Also, all students who enroll in the graduate school are requested to submit a pledge to comply with the FEFTA at the time of admission and graduation etc.

出願にあたり必要な手続き/Required Procedures at the time of application

We have received your “Self-Declaration on Specific Categories” through the Graduate Admissions Web Entry.

入学にあたり必要な手続き/Required Procedures at the time of admission

入学者だけでなく在学中の大学院相当の学生にもe-learning研修を受講のうえ、誓約書を提出していただいています。 必ず動画教材を視聴してください。

登録・視聴方法「大学院生等向け e-learning研修及び誓約書」

●Pledge (enrollment)
Please watch the foreign exchange law training video on the e-learning system manaba and submit the pledge to comply with the law through manaba.

manaba での誓約書の提出状況は学籍番号で管理しているため、学籍番号が変わる場合は、誓約書を再度提出してください。
Please submit the pledge again, if your student ID number is changed, as the submission status of the pledge in manaba is managed by the student ID number.

在学中手続きが必要になる場合/ In case you need to take any procedures while you are enrolled.


●★ ‘Self-Declaration on Specific Categories’
“If there are any changes to the content after admission, please resubmit the ‘Self-Declaration on Specific Categories’.

修了(退学等を含む)にあたり必要な手続き/Required Procedure for Graduation (including withdrawal)

誓約書(修了時)/Pledge (enrollment)

●外為法を遵守する誓約書をmanabaから提出してください。提出方法 動画
●Pledge (enrollment)
Please submit a pledge through Learning Management System “manaba“.How to submit Video

We ask you to submit a pledge at the time of graduation. Please register for the following course and submit the pledge via manaba.
Note)If you are going to enter a graduate school of the University of Tsukuba, you don’t need to submit it this time, but after completion in your next graduate school, please submit a pledge via manaba.



○Examples of Opportunities for Transfer/Export of Technologies/Goods in Academic and Reseach Institutions(23)


○Definition of ”resident”or”non-resident”


みなし輸出とは 経済産業省 みなし輸出に関する解説