1. Approach for managing individual conflicts of interest

The basic approach toward managing individual conflicts of interest is to first ensure transparency related to an individual’s private interests and then to institute a system that makes it possible to prevent potential problems. The third point is to establish in advance simple, and clear rules to apply.
In addition, it is important not only to fully provide the university’s faculty or other staff with training related to the management system but also to revise the system when necessary to respond to changing conditions.

2. Mechanism for managing individual conflicts of interest


Key provisions of the system for managing individual conflicts of interest of interest

  • Faculty or other staff are obliged to report to the President at any time their financial interests they are expected to acquire in the relevant year. However, if the individual financial interests expected to be acquired are generated near the end of the fiscal year or if it is forgotten, the amount for the previous year shall be reported between April and the end of May.
  • You are obliged to report any changes in the individual financial interests you have reported.
  • Conflict of interest advisor handles inquiries into the conflicts of interest of faculty, investigates reported cases when necessary, and can request that the issues should be discussed by the COI Committee.
  • Faculty who disagree with the decision of the COI Committee can file an objection with the University President.

Mechanism for managing individual conflicts of interest

3.Conflict of Interest e-Report System

  • COI e-Report System
User's Manual User’s Manual

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